Shapoval Oksana

Theory of communication in the space of philosophy and scientific thought as a determinant of the analysis of R. Wagner’s creative process

Background. The knowledge about R. Wagner has now acquired the status of a significant component of not only music, but also philosophy, cultural studies, literary studies, and in studies the authors address to the intonation-conceptual and philosophical foundations of the artistic concepts of the German composer. Such universality has a basis in the substantial depths of Wagner’ works, which are the embodiment of myth-making, the conceptual ideas of Gesamtkunstwerk and Kunstreligion. Objectives. The purpose of the research is to determine the scientific basis for the implementation of the theory of communication as determinants of the analysis of the creative process by R. Wagner through the prism of the heuristic quest of the genius composer and the inclusion of his achievements in the continuum of culture. Methods. In knowledge about R. Wagner methodological importance have the works of the famous scientist M. Cherkashyna-Gubarenko. The researcher examines the conceptual foundations of R. Wagner’s work: finds the influence of the German composer on the artistic formation of S. Prokofiev, reveals in the works by R. Wagner evangelical motifs, the Faustian model, which is a reflection of the archetypes, the problem of the embodiment of his works in the Opera house of today. Significant representative of knowledge about R. Wagner, the author of the doctoral thesis, the focus of which is the Opera the «Flying Dutchman» is E. Roschenko. Analyzing the embodiment of mythology in the musical art, scientist addressed to the conceptual foundations of the artistic practice of the great mythmaker R. Wagner. Great importance in the understanding of cognitive and communicative activity of Wagner plays familiarization with his euristic quest, which was carried out through the study of the music and book editions. Materials about the libraries of Wagner transferred to the archive of the Kharkiv Wagner society by M. Eger in the form of manuscript. The results of his research contribute to the expansion of ideas about Wagner’s universalism, which, in turn, allows us to hunting the principle of the composer – Gesamtkunstwerk – as not only a union of music, poetry and dance, but comprehensive intellectual and spiritual synthesis. Results. In science, there are many approaches to the study of communication. This publication highlights the scientific provisions that are methodologically important in the study of the process of communicative and creative process of the artist. The roots of the theory of communication reach antiquity. Therefore, first of all addressing to them, correlating philosophical reflections of ancient Greek thinkers with scientific and philosophical thought regarding the understanding of these processes in subsequent eras from the perspective of the chosen discourse of the proposed research. The dialectical method of Socrates, justified by Plato, involves the acquisition of true knowledge through reasoning in the form of questions and answers that can be carried out in conversation with the interlocutor or with yourself, in the process of knowledge or self-knowledge. R. Wagner was reflectional artist, a sage who came to know themselves in unity with the being of the world, the idea is constantly addressing the question of the meaning of human existence and finding it on various options of response. The metaplot of his works delineates reflections on the imperfection of mortal existence, eternal desire for freedom and immortality. R. Wagner’s reflections are related to philosophical reasons of thinkers, but they are expressed in terms of the artistic concept of the work, where the composer reveals his own philosophical beliefs, placing the characters in the realities of ontological reality. Therefore, we can conclude that the infinite knowledge and self-knowledge of the German master is expressed in the form of artistic and philosophical reflection. Wagner’s creative work gradually reveals its depths through its inclusion in the public consciousness, where it finds a lot of interpretative readings; carried out by directors and performers, music lovers and opera audience, reviewers and researchers. The texts of the works of the German genius are in the focus of the interpreters active attention in the conditions of the modern Director’s Opera house, where they appear as an initial source, prompting the search and actualization of deep meanings, which is facilitated by the artistic and conceptual content of these works. Creativity of R. Wagner is included in the communicative and creative process, which is carried out in a dialogue in the big time (concept by M. Bakhtin). In turn, the German genius acted in this process not only as a communicator, but also as a comunicant, as evidenced, in particular, by the reflection recorded on the pages of his publications (an appeal to humanity and at the same time an imaginary conversation with outstanding personalities of the past and present). Conclusions. Consideration of R. Wagner’s creative work and thought through the prism of artistic and philosophical reflection, allows us to interpret dialogue as an endless search for truth, which takes its multiplicity, despite the composer’s desire to find episteme knowledge. Texts by R. Wagner are the embodiment of the author’s picture of the world, which reflects the conceptual ideas of the composer, included in the dialogue in the big time. The tracking of the semantic content of a literary text often generates new meanings, since this process is subjective, which bears the imprint of the interpretation’s perception. In the creative work of R. Wagner, there is an operation with symbols that means by composer as a «significant game», during which there is a comprehension of archetypal information and the generation on its basis of new meanings that arise as a result of knowledge through myth. The author sees the prospect of further research in the present consideration of R. Wagner’s creative work from the standpoint of the theory of communication, covering the level of social existence of the composer and onto-communication in his operas – display of ontological processes of the Universe.