Grinik Tetiana

Spiritual values of the native language. Actors and directors (teachers and students) as the native-speakers of exemplary language style in all types of speech, in life and on a stage

Background. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the revival of the traditions of communication in the state language in everyday life and on the stage. This theme was in topic repeatedly for many outstanding scientists, enlighteners, theatrical, artistic, cultural figures, among them – T. G. Shevchenko, P. K. Saksahansky, K. S. Stanislavsky, M. T. Rylsky, M. G. Kulish, L. S. Kurbas, V. A. Simonenko, S. I. Vorobkevich, O. T. Gonchar, I. M. Perepelyak, I. F. Drach, R. O. Cherkashin, Yu. P. Sheiko, L. A. Vazhnyova, A. O. Gladysheva; however, the problem gets new actuality in nowadays. This article is the theoretical support on native-speech enhancement, enrichment and polishing of the spiritual values of the native language. The statements of outstanding directors, theater experts, teachers, writers, cultural and art figures, which are part of the treasury of knowledge accumulated over the centuries and recorded in the best examples of artistic and scientific works forming the “library of speech styles”, are represented. Objectives. The publication aims to encourage actors, students, readers to become a model of the native-speaker, to develop a sense of the organic need to constantly, daily communicate in their native language, work on themselves, take care of their professional level, not limit themselves to the available volume of knowledge and practical skills, developing and self-cultivating. The objective of this study is to prove the necessity of awareness and the importance of correct pronunciation in native language, that encourages the students of higher theatrical institutions where theatrical stage speech is studied to tireless work and improvement of various professional and technical skills, to become universal and «in demand». This objective is predetermined by the problem of the birth of Ukrainian national culture, which cannot be imagined without profound changes in the language technical preparation, and is the part of its solution. The methods using in this research was been applied so far to spread Ukrainian culture and language through the mass media, but this article offers to use citations and statements by prominent directors, teachers, writers, poets, theater scientists, artists of art and culture in the function of models of speech, for to communicate constantly and daily in the native Ukrainian language. The results of the research support the idea to encourage actors, students, readers to become a model of right speech; thereby, they will spread and popularize the right Ukrainian speech in the masses and, as a consequence, promote revival of Ukrainian culture and native language. The necessary conditions for it is constant work to improve of quality of scenic speech, both on the basis the K. S. Stanislavsky system and the works of theatrical coryphaeuses, taking into account the new developments in this area reviewed in the article. Conclusions. Nowadays the problem of expanding the functions of our national Ukrainian as a state language and the importance of solving this problem are very current issues. Speech, as such, is an open system of creative communications existing in the socio-cultural, artistic-aesthetic, genre-style, pedagogical- enlightening, mentally-traditional and innovative dimensions. In various types (professional and amateur, liturgical and secular, everyday, business, literary) it forms one of the basic components of the national theatrical art. Expanding the functions of the state language requires from actors and directors (students and educators) to freely owning by different styles in all types of speech, because in today’s environment correct pronunciation, language improvement, enrichment of the native language and the revival of the traditions of communication in the state language in ordinary life and on the stage is extremely necessary.